- 10:00am Monday 15 April - 4pm Friday 19 April 2024
- Boys in School Years 9 to 12 in 2023
- 280
This incredibly popular camp only has 10 spaces per year so get in fast to secure your spot.
For those young men that love the outdoors, this camp might be for you!
We hope to teach humane harvesting of wild game for you and other peoples benefit. This includes the following skill sets: shooting, knife work, packaging and cooking.
You will have plenty of leaders to ask questions and learn from. Hopefully one day you will be able to teach young men the same skills. We aim to model our faith and use real life examples to equip young Christian men for life in today’s world.

These are essentials to know before you enrol in this hunting camp:
- You will need good fitness and be able to walk at least 12 km each day
- You will be lead throughout the week by experienced hunters
- You will experience a range of farm life during your stay on this high country farm