About this tramp

This new tramping camp in 2019 is for with a bit more physical fitness and want to give back-country tramping a go.

This tramp will involve tramping on routes through the wildnerness rather than formed tracks like the Great Walks.

We will be exploring (and potentially hunting) in the mountains and valleys of the Eyre Mountains near Mavora Lakes in Fiordland.

Tramping Camp Features

Backcountry Tenting

We will be tenting - this means we can set up where our heart desires and explore places far from huts and civilisation. True back-country tramping.

Fun and Games

With no no power or cellphone coverage, we have plenty of time to play cool games like "The Most Awesome Game in the World" and make our own fun in the wilderness.

Good Food

Tramping is all about walking, good company and eating food. Lots of snacks to build up your energy for tramping

Essentials to know before you enrol

These are essentials to know before you enrol in this tramping camp:

  • You will need good fitness and be able to walk at least 18km each day. You can start building fitness now by going for increasingly long walks each week.

  • You will need to carry all your own gear and food in a tramping pack. We will not carry your food, clothes or even your hairbrush for you. As an advanced tramping camp we will also be carrying shared group tents which you will need to carry your share of.

  • There are some essential gear requirements for tramping. These include the following non-negotiable items to keep you warm and safe in the wilderness:
    • Good boots with ankle support
    • Warm Sleeping Bag (not a “cheap warehouse one”)
    • Waterproof rain jacket (not a “nylon parka”)
    • Waterproof dry bags or pack liner

  •  Our leadership consists of leaders with a combined total of over 100 years tramping experience in the wilderness.

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